However, you can convert creatures into vanilla form or to another modded creature - by default however the vanilla versions of most untameable creatures are fairly buggy as they were never meant to be tamed. What happens when I remove this mod?On mod removal all modded creatures disappear - this isn't something I can get around unfortunately as i'm unable to use the vanilla class name method (due to creatures being both child classes and needing different status components). An example of this would be the Cnidaria changes - you can have them with colors and altered stun buff, but prevent them from being tameable or keep them from wandering around. Use prevent remapping when you want the creature to be entirely vanilla, and other configs when you want some of the modded features but not all. Further configs exist for more personalized settings, and if the config you want doesn't exist feel free to add it to the suggestions page. I want _ but not _ / I don't like _Configs exist to prevent remapping or just prevent taming - with remapping prevented, the respective creature will spawn in its vanilla form rather than the modded version.

If you're trying to spawn one in, make sure you use the modded class name/blueprint path instead of the vanilla one, otherwise you will spawn a vanilla creature. Existing vanilla creatures will remain vanilla (for now) as so far my attempts to manually convert them all caused too much server stress. I can't tame _ / _ isn't working!Once the mod is added, you will need to do a wild dino wipe to force the new modded versions to spawn. View the Mod Compatibility section for more.

Additional compatibility with other mods exists, such as conversion of this mod's creatures to another mod creature and working with mods that alter the vanilla version of a creature through buffs. The majority of mods will have no conflict with this one as this would only conflict with mods attempting to change the exact same creature. "Is this mod compatible with."Due to the amount of changes required in many creatures, remapping them was the only option, so this mod will conflict with other mods that attempt to remap the same creatures (mostly by one version of the creature failing to spawn naturally).